Due to the recent Pandemic, the search for nursing staff is becoming more and more difficult and time-consuming. Because suitable and qualified personnel is not available everywhere and at all times. The search takes time, and the proven methods are often no longer promising in the digital age.
Staffing companies are the solution hospitals and healthcare facilities found in their need for nursing staff. Through these staffing companies, the nurses will find a channel where they will be employed in an appropriate facility.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Registered Nurses (RNs) workforce is expected to expand to 3.4 million by 2024. Due to the increase of nurse retirements, patients and an increased number of patients to a nurse are all leading to a shortage of nurses. Nurses throughout the United States have gone on strike to protest existing nurse-to-patient ratios, claiming that the present balance jeopardizes patient care quality.

Pandemic And Staffing

Nurse Shortage

The American healthcare system is in crisis, putting patients in harm’s way and risking institutions’ financial stability throughout the nation. It doesn’t seem like it’ll slow down anytime soon. A lack of registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPS) is the issue, with almost 200,000 open posts at any one moment.

The effect of scarcity on patient treatment is significant. Existing employees are compelled to work long hours, and additional shifts as hospitals fill vacancies. However, this strategy has its own set of issues. Several studies have shown a connection between the amount of hours RNs work and the quality of patient care they provide.

There are Fewer Nurses

It is expected that nearly one million baby boomer nurses will retire by 2030, necessitating the hiring of fresh graduates and younger nurses. Presently, 70,000 nurses retire each year, contributing significantly to the nursing shortage. The scarcity is more likely to harm rural populations. Hospital administrators have difficulty filling vacancies for healthcare workers in distant places since these areas may be less appealing to reside in.

Aging Population

Overall, the population is aging, with the baby boom generation approaching a period of greater healthcare need. Currently, more Americans are over the age of 65 than at any previous point in history. The last of the baby boomer generation will retire in 2030, resulting in a 73 percent rise in the number of Americans aged 65 and over, from 41 million in 2011 to 71 million in 2019.

The need for health care grows as the population ages. The fact is that most older people do not have just one illness to cope with, but rather a slew of diseases and conditions that need treatment. The millions of Americans who will reach their mid-sixties during the next decade will need more healthcare services than ever before. Generally, the population is living longer, resulting in increased usage of health services.


In reality, RNs in the United States are, on average, 50 years old. Furthermore, the COVID-19 epidemic has accelerated the retirement of many nurses throughout the nation, resulting in an even more significant nursing shortage.

As experienced nurses retire, there is a shortage of nurses trained to teach and educate new nurses. Nursing schools around the nation are in desperate need of skilled instructors to take their place as existing nurse educators retire. Nursing schools will be unable to educate enough nurses to solve the shortfall due to a lack of professors.


Many nurses are departing the profession. Because there is a scarcity of new nurses, established RNs are in great demand. To make up for the shortfalls, many RNs are working long shifts with a large number of patients. This may cause increased stress and decreased work satisfaction and push nurses away from the field. When there isn’t an adequate number of nurses, present nurses may feel under pressure and choose a more versatile and controllable professional path.

Insufficient Resources

There are currently insufficient means to train future nurses. Many nursing school applicants are being denied due to a lack of nurse professors and classroom space. Most nursing training schools do not accept more students in their medical care programs because they cannot find enough classrooms to teach the large numbers of students who want to study. Many individuals want to become nurses, but there aren’t enough opportunities to go to school and study.

Contact information

Phone: 4108645693
Email: cnemedicalstaffing@gmail.com
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